Six ways to reuse the content of your podcast


Six ways to reuse the content of your podcast

The content of your episodes is a solid foundation for creating additional content to promote your podcast. This includes blog posts, infographics, videos, audiograms and posts on your social networks. It's often more effective to reuse existing content than to create new content from scratch.

Clémentine Roux, Podcast Marketing Consultant, shares her tips for creating your podcast's identity.

September 22, 2021 • About 5 min. read

Snaking content

This article touches on three objectives: gaining visibility, optimizing the content of your episodes and saving significant amounts of time in the promotion phase of your podcast.

The foundation of your future strategy 🔎

Are you familiar with Garyvee’s content pyramid?

6 Ways to Reuse the Content of Your Podcast
Gary Vaynerchuk’s content pyramid

Garyvee (Gary Vaynerchuk) is an American podcaster and entrepreneur. He bases his content strategy on the inverted pyramid model. At the base is the foundation of your content strategy: your podcast.

Then, from the foundation, you can break it down into dozens of shorter content snippets, with words, videos or images. You can also contextualize them according to the distribution platform: episode notes, blog articles, videos, posts on social networks, newsletters, white papers, etc…

Six tips for making the most of the resources you already have and reusing your podcast content

1- Notes from your episodes

Upon publication of each episode, you have the option to supplement it with a descriptive text. These notes are displayed on listening platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts and online players like Ausha when someone listens to your episode.

It’s a great opportunity to introduce your episode and podcast to potential new listeners. Use quotes from the episode as teasers, add keywords from your podcast and episode, and make future listeners want to listen to it.

Clémentine’s advice: To save time on your episode notes, use the voice-to-text transcription software and the chaptering tool from Ausha.

To assist you in writing your notes, you can take some cues from La Cohorte, the podcast that brings freelancers together. The notes from their episodes are very complete and always start with a catchphrase from the episode to make you want to hit the play button.

La Cohorte

2 – Articles on your website or blog

Use your episode descriptions in the form of a full-length article to post on your website, blog, LinkedIn or Medium.

To optimize the SEO referencing of your podcast, remember to use keywords from your show as well as episode-specific keywords. Ideally, you’ll want to use those that are already in your episode descriptions. The more your episode descriptions are formatted with your keywords, the more you’re likely to appear in the first pages of Google results.

Clémentine’s advice : Use the tool Google Trends to be aware of Internet users’ most searched keywords.

For example, the podcast Caféine publishes, upon the release of each episode, a very detailed article with the written content (transcript) of that episode on its website.

3 – Posts on your social networks

From your blog post, you can create engaging visual posts for your social networks that’ll grab people’s attention, increase awareness and drive traffic to your podcast episode.

Clémentine’s advice: Use Canva software to create and customize your posts on social networks.

Some ideas for publications to post on your social networks:

  • Highlight two or three impactful quotes from your episode in a visual way and post them on Instagram and/or Pinterest.
  • Create an infographic on the topic covered in your episode or an Instagram Reel that you can post. After publishing the infographic or video, conduct a survey in Stories to see what listeners think about that particular topic.
  • Create a post with tidbits to remember from the episode in images or in a video that you can upload on LinkedIn or Facebook.
Vlan podcast
Example: Gregory Pouy’s Vlan podcast on Instagram

4 – Audiograms

An audiogram is a short audio clip of your podcast, in video format.

Clémentine’s advice : You can generate your audiograms directly from your Ausha account.

Cut your podcast into multiple audiograms of a few minutes each to highlight several passages from the episode and publish them at various times across your social networks.

For example, you can post different audiograms on Instagram Stories, on Facebook or on your LinkedIn feed, depending on the interests of your community.

Ausha Podcast Audio Clip
Audiogram example

5- Newsletter

To construct your newsletter, you can reuse an excerpt from your episode as an audiogram, a few notes from your episode to summarize it in a few lines, and images you create for your social networks.

For example, the podcast Healthy Living sends out a monthly newsletter, each time sharing the latest images posted on its Instagram account as well as a quick description of the episodes published during the month.

6 – Your recommendations: reading lists, playlists, white papers, courses, toolboxes, etc.

Finally, our last tip is to generate, from your episodes, additional content like reading lists or playlists that you can share on your website, on your social networks and in your newsletters.

La Poudre Lit, additional content
For example, Lauren Bastide’s podcast La Poudre recommends feminist books to read, every two weeks, on her Instagram account with #LaPoudreLit

You can also create a white paper, toolkit and additional resources with all the information and tips collected from your previous episodes. Use them as a magnet to expand your newsletter database as Thomas Burbidge from the freelancing podcast Young Wild and Freelance does.

Young Wilf and Freelance

You now have all the tools you need to optimize the content strategy of your podcast. Now it’s up to you! 🤙

After five years of experience in digital communication, Clémentine Roux now supports podcasters in developing their audience, their voice on social networks, and monetization.

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September 22, 2021

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