Models & ebooks

Ebooks, templates, checklists: find everything you need to boost your podcast and be heard throughout the galaxy.

Apple Podcasts

Ausha’s Study: How to reach the top of Apple Podcasts Rankings

Explore our infographic about Apple Podcasts and learn how to master it algorithm, boost visibility, and gain more listeners thanks to Ausha's insights.


Podcast Editorial Calendar Template

Elevate Your Podcasting Journey with Ausha's Editorial Calendar Template


10 Examples of Successful Branded Podcasts

Discover the ways in which brands are integrating podcasts into their marketing strategy today.

10 metrics to follow branded podcast

10 Key Metrics for Branded Podcasts

Discover 10 main key metrics that will elevate your branded podcast to new heights.

10 Podcast script Templates

10 Essential Podcast Script Templates

Kickstart your podcast creation process


Ultimate Scorecard for Podcast Growth

Introducing the Ultimate Scorecard for Podcast Growth: Turbocharge Your Show Today!

Podcast Planners Templates for your show

Podcast Planner: Your Plan for Podcast Success

6 free podcast planner templates for your show

How to hack your podcast growth?

10 essential tips to make your podcast stand out

Choosing wisely your podcast host

Choose wisely your hosting platform to distribute, promote, analyze and monetize your podcast.