Ausha vs Acast

How does Ausha compare with Acast? What’s the best podcast hosting platform? Discover our exhaustive comparison table between Ausha and Acast.

14 days trial • No CB required • No strings attached


Customer's Rating
4,9 / 5 ⭐️
No information
Unlimited hosting
Unlimited episodes
Unlimited downloads
Distribution on all streaming platforms
Distribution on YouTube
Auto-sharing on Soundcloud
Social media auto-sharing
Video clips
SEO optimized website
Customizable Audio Player
Unique listening link
Listening statistics
Unique listeners
Audience by listening platform
Audience by device
Audience by country
Episode comparison tool
Audience by browser
Peaktime Analysis
Ranking and review from Apple Podcasts
Manual monetization
Automatic monetization
Link to Crowdfunding platforms
Client support
Support in english
Support in english

Last update : March 01, 2022 – Ask to edit the information above

All the communication and statistics tools for your podcast

Plus qu’un hébergeur, Ausha vous offre tous les outils de communication et d’analyse pour lancer votre podcast et booster votre audience.

Distribute everywhere, easily

Publiez votre podcast facilement sur toutes les plateformes d’écoute. En quelques clics seulement, rendez votre podcast visible auprès des auditeurs du monde entier !

Boost your podcast audience

Get all the promotion tools to grow your audience (Newsletter, connexion with Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin,…).

Analyze your listenings and understand your audience

Bienvenue au club !

Rejoignez la plus grande communauté de podcasteurs de France en intégrant le Club Ausha, un espace privé réservé aux utilisateurs d’Ausha, où les podcasteurs s’entraident, se conseillent, s’informent et trouvent leur prochains invités.

Ausha Club

Join a growing community of podcasters

Ready to try Ausha ?

No need to combine multiple platforms to broadcast, promote and monetize your podcast anymore ! Get all tools in just one place.

3… 2… 1… lift off! 🚀

14 days trial • No CB required • No strings attached