Ausha Intelligence is coming soon

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Discover Icon Start-2 Ausha

The Podcast Marketing Platform with All the Tools a Podcaster needs to Launch and Grow their Show.

Boost Icon Like your promotion on social media

Create social media posts with engaging video trailers, picture or just text and publish them automatically on Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin and Facebook. Write posts in instant with ChatGPT !

Amplify Icon Increase your visibility

Activate your promotion toolkit to maximize your audience growth (website, emailing, YouTube distribution...).

Track Icon Dashboard your success

Get the most exclusive and certified data in the most easy-to-use dashboard.

Hit the Top of Podcast Apps’ Search Results

Identify your best keywords and track the evolution of your rankings on Apple Podcasts and Spotify’s Search Results with the PSO Control Panel.

Identify your best Keywords with AI

Choose your trackable Keywords and setup them effortlessly or get inspired by our AI Keyword Assistant

Track your Rankings in Real-time

Focus your efforts on high-impact topics and instantly see how many keywords place your show in the Tops

Improve your strategy Multi-Country

Optimize your global reach and your rankings by measuring visibility across diverse country stores.

Import Icon Grow-2 your podcast to Ausha in only 3 simple steps.

Import your RSS feed

Import all your episodes into Ausha in 1 click.

Redirect your old feed

Your listeners will be able to hear your new episodes. This won't impact your existing listing, reviews, or subscribers.

That's it!

Start making your future episodes with Ausha and get great advertising sponsorship opportunities.

Fast and dedicated support team

  • 98% satisfaction rate
  • Podcast experts ready to help you
  • Answers tailored to your podcast
  • Live chat
  • Help Center
  • Extra services for Pros

Highly Recommended:
Universal Satisfaction Across Review Sites


4.7 on Trustpilot


4.7 on Capterra


4.7 on G2 Crowd

3D planet astronaut floating in space

Try now for free

Create a new show or try our platform with your existing podcast. Two ways leading to only one result with Ausha: grow an amazing podcast!

No credit card needed