Technical question: Are you not really feeling ready to record your podcast for the first time?
Don’t panic! Here are some tips to easily record your first podcast and how to do it without spending a lot of money.
To begin with, let’s take a look at what you’ll need to record your first podcast. To get into the podcast-game you’ll need to gather some equipment, basically:
. A podcast microphone
. Broadcasting software
. You’ll also need a computer for storing and editing your podcast.
A mic
There are several methods for recording.
- The internal microphone: I might as well be clear right away. This isn’t the best solution, especially if you’re planning on several people around the microphone. However, it can still be a good way to test yourself, to record a pilot episode, for example.
- A headset: If you’re all alone at the controls, with a limited budget, a headset is the ideal solution. For about twenty euros, you can get by with a good quality headset. For example, this one from Sennheiser.
MacGyver Method: The Pedestrian Kit! Yes, a simple pedestrian kit is like the one that comes with your smartphone and can sometimes be adapted to your computer. It can be a good substitute for a microphone. It’s perfect for limited budgets.
- Condenser microphones: If you want to take it to the next level, opt for a more professional, condenser-type microphone. The Snowball iCE, for example, is perfect for recording with several people, or Samson’s Meteor, which is prized by professionals.
In wandering mode: A portable recorder can also be very useful if you’re planning on recording in various places. If you don’t have a permanent studio, this is the best choice.
Recording software
While there are many programs that allow you to record and edit your podcast, Audacity is the one that receives the most votes. We have to say we’ve rarely seen anything more practical than this simple, free software package that’s used by a majority of podcasters.
If you’re someone who finds Audacity over-rated (it happens), GarageBand, available on Mac in the App Store, can be a good choice as well.
Do you have a favorite podcast recording software? Don’t hesitate to tell us about it, and give us all your tips for recording your podcasts.

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