Anchor vs Spreaker: which podcast host is right for you?

Explore a detailed comparison of Anchor and Spreaker to see which is the best podcast host. Compare platforms by features and price.



Customer rating
Unlimited storage
Only on Publisher Plan
Unlimited episodes
Not on Free Speech Plan
Unlimited downloads
Not on Free Speech Plan
Podcast directories
Distribution on YouTube
Podcast website
Audio player
Video trailer
Social Media Management
Downloads overview
Downloads by directories
Downloads by country
Downloads by device
Completion rate
Unique listeners
Episode comparison
Apple Podcasts ranking
Peaktime analysis
Automated Ads
Manual Ads
Crowdfunding integration
Support & Community
Live chat & Email
Facebook Group
Facebook Group
Private community

Last update: July 12, 2022 – Ask to edit the information below

Why Ausha is the right fit for you

Be heard Icon Megaphone everywhere, by everyone

In just a few clicks, distribute your podcast easily on the 22 major world directories.

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Boost Icon Like your promotion on social media

Create simple posts or more engaging videos and share them on Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin and Facebook.

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Amplify Icon Increase your visibility

Activate your promotion toolkit to maximize your audience growth (website, emailing, YouTube distribution...).

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Track Icon Dashboard your success

Get the most exclusive and certified data in the most easy-to-use dashboard.

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What is Anchor

Anchor was founded in 2015 by Michael Mignano and Nir Zicherman. The company initially launched as a social audio service geared towards short-form content. In February 2018, Anchor launched an updated version of the platform specifically for creating and publishing podcasts.

Anchor is best for:




What is Spreaker

Spreaker was founded in 2010 as a podcast hosting and distribution platform. Their headquarters is located in New York, New York.

Now it prides itself on the fact that you can monetize your podcast starting from your very first episode.

Spreaker is best for:




Podcast host comparison: Anchor vs Spreaker


Anchor vs Spreaker features

Both Anchor and Spreaker can be used to host and distribute a podcast easily.

Regarding distribution, Anchor offers 7 podcast directories to be listed to, and Spreaker has only 6.

Spreaker offers monetization from your very first episode.

Unfortunately, there’s no way to have Apple Podcasts integration to track your success on Apple Podcasts on Anchor or Spreaker.


Both Anchor and Spreaker offer a free plan, both of which have more limited features compared to the paid plans. 

Anchor is a free podcast host.

Spreaker offers a free plan and other plans going from $8 to $120 per month, with different upload limitations.

Get all the tools to amplify Icon Increase-2 your visibility

Ausha offers a wide range of promotion tools to make your podcast visible to everyone, everywhere.

Manage your social media through Ausha

Publish, schedule and analyze all your social media posts directly through our platform.

An audio player that fits anywhere

Integrate a sleek and stylish audio player on any website or blog. Customize it to your colors.

Share video trailer on social media

Generate engagement on social media by transforming your audio into short video teaser.

Send personalized emails to your audience

Thanks to our Newsletter tool, automatically send emails to your audience when you release a new episode.

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Ausha empowers podcasters with easy-to-use tools to launch and grow their show.

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