Four steps for writing an effective press release for your podcast


Four steps for writing an effective press release for your podcast

Press releases are a key part of a podcast's audience acquisition strategy. Whether you just launched your podcast or you want to grow your podcast's audience, don’t forget to contact journalists with a solid press release.

Clementine Roux, Podcast Marketing Consultant, shares her tips for writing an effective press release.

October 6, 2021 • About 4 min. read

Writing an effective press release

Writing a press release will help you increase your podcast’s awareness. This is the first step in the listener’s journey on Ausha. 🚀

63% of podcasters who attended Ausha’s Podcast Marketing Summit on June 17th had never used a press release to promote their podcast.

However, press releases are an effective strategy for increasing your show’s visibility and growing your podcast’s audience. They also help you extend the reach of your network. 🎧

Boost word-of-mouth with press releases 👄👂

Press releases give your (future) listeners credible proof of your podcast’s quality and spur a relationship built on trust.

When future listeners see your podcast mentioned in a well-known media outlet’s publication, it lends credibility and legitimacy as well as establishes you as an expert in your field. 😎

In this article, I’ll give you my tips for writing an impactful press release to help you grow your podcast’s audience.

Listening to a podcast while walking

How to write an effective press release for your podcast ?

1. Pay close attention to the structure 🧐

A good press release can be recognized by its format.

A podcast’s press release consists of descriptions of the podcast, its audience, and the podcast’s host, and is highlighted with 1-2 photos and 1-2 quotes.

Elements that must be included in a press release:

  • The date 📆
  • Your logo/cover 🖼️
  • The words “Press Release” 🖊️
  • Your contact information 😀

Your press release must be limited to one or two Word pages. Be as concise as possible.

Press articles regarding Raconte-moi ta ville (Tell me about your city)
Examples of press coverage for the “Raconte-moi ta ville” (Tell me about your city) podcast

2. Apply the 5W rule for an effective write-up

Keep in mind that this document is aimed at journalists. A press release is intended to be picked up and published by the media outlets you contact.

Use a formal, neutral tone, and avoid using “I”.

All information must be understood by the reader. Don’t use any abbreviations without defining them.

Apply the 5W rule to help you write your presentations:

  • Who 👋 -> Who are you? Who is the team behind your podcast?
  • What 🎙️ -> What’s the subject of your podcast? How do you tackle it? Who’s your audience? (What are their interests and demographics)
  • When 🤔 -> When does the podcast air? How frequently do new episodes come out? On what date did/will the podcast launch?
  • Where 🎧 -> Where can listeners tune into your podcast? (Don’t forget to include a Smartlink to your podcast.)
  • Why 😁 ->Why did you launch this podcast? What’s your podcast’s mission?

3. Share your resources

This part is specific to podcasts. When you present your podcast, consider sharing 1-2 interesting quotes along with their episode timestamps, 1-2 video clips from a recent episode and the episode’s cover image. 👌

Bonus tip: Personalize your video clips on Ausha to spotlight your podcast’s shining moments.

Share your Smartlink so that readers can tune into your podcast on any listening platform. 🎧

Many online media outlets will integrate your podcast’s SmartPlayer directly into their article.

Don’t forget to share the embedded code of your hosting platform’s player. On Ausha, you can find it in your account’s “SmartPlayer” tab. 💜

4. Share your press release everywhere!

Once your press release is ready, make a list of all the media outlets that could talk about your podcast. 🤝

Of course, you should include media outlets that specialize in podcasts.

Don’t forget to add those who have large followings or who specialize in your domain.

Not all media outlets have their own podcasts, so they’re often delighted to share this type of content.

Once your list is finished, send your press release, and follow up with journalists as needed. 🪃

You can also post your press release on your website (if you have one) with your podcast show’s cover and each episode’s cover.

Press coverage enhances your podcast’s visibility

Sending a press release for your podcast is a must when you launch but is also handy for promoting a new season or a specific episode. 🚀

Don’t neglect press releases. Add press releases to your communication plan as soon as possible to grow your podcast’s audience along with posting on social media and writing newsletters.

After five years working in digital communication, Clementine Roux now helps podcasters expand their audiences, communicate effectively on social networks, and develop monetization for their shows.

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October 6, 2021

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