How to write a podcast script without killing the creative process


How to write a podcast script without killing the creative process

When launching your podcast, you'll need to think about the structure of your episodes. Here are our best tips to help you write a great podcast script!

May 25, 2021 • About 8 min. read

how to be authentically yourself on your podcast

Knowing how to write a great podcast script for your show will help you gain more listeners straight from the beginning!

Starting a podcast and recording your first episodes might be challenging…

What makes a good podcast a GOOD podcast ? How to be sure to start with strong foundations and to attract new listeners ?

You might think it’s just luck or raw talent that made famous podcasters who they are today but we are here to tell you otherwise.

The key to success is simple, you need hard work, dedication and preparation. 💪

When launching a podcast series, you’ll need to think about the structure of your episodes.

The more prepared you are, the more time you’ll save when recording and editing. Hence, how to write a podcast script is one of the first questions you need to ask yourself when you start your podcast.

Scripting your episodes will help you record relevant content and will save you precious time in the long run.

You have our word, using a script will not kill the creative process, it will only be your best tool to keep you focusing on your topic throughout your episode without losing time on irrelevant details. 🔍

In this article, we will guide you through all the important parts you need to include in your episodes and we will then give you 4 tips to help you prepare for your next recording.

Structure the script of your podcast

Whether you choose to write your entire script or just a few words, you’ll need to have a plan for your podcast. This will allow you to make your words as clear as possible and to hold onto your audience’s attention.

If your episode rambles too much, you risk losing your listeners!

Here’s an example of a podcast structure you can use as a template:

  • Introduction music
  • Intro: Present yourself and your podcast. Then, introduce that episode’s topic.
  • Subject 1: Expand upon your topic
  • Interlude: a short sound pause
  • Subject 2: Continue expanding upon your topic with a second idea
  • Outro: Summarize the main points of your discussion
  • Conclusion: Thank your listeners and touch on your next episode
  • Closing music

Of course, the above structure is just an example and you need to adapt it to your format, subject and style. Now that you have an outline of the structure, let’s have a closer look at the important parts. 👀

Be amazing, the important parts of a podcast script

The intro

First things first, your script needs to start with the introduction of your podcast. It is one of the most important parts of your episodes (if not THE most important) and you should definitely try to start with the best podcast intro you possibly can !

Obviously, your intro needs to give information about you and your podcast but keep in mind the following rules:

  • It should include : the name of your podcast, your own name, the theme of your podcast and the subject of this episode in particular 📜
  • Keep it short (between 15 and 30 seconds) 📏
  • Find a hook for the topic of your episode 🪝
  • Choose your music wisely 🎶

The guest intro

If you have an interview-style show or if you are recording an episode with a guest, you need to script this special part of your introduction.

Your listeners might not know who your guest is so you will want to give them enough information to make them curious.

Why should they spend time listening to this person? You have to tell it in this part otherwise they might not be interested enough to keep listening to this episode.

Another good reason to script your guest intro is that you really don’t want to start your recording by making your guest uncomfortable. It would be a shame to start on the wrong foot and then spend the entire episode trying to fix the mistakes you made in the first few seconds.

The core structure of your episode and the transitions

If you look back at the structure we gave you at the beginning of this article, you’ll see that the core structure of your podcast needs different subjects and several transitions. 

First, when you’re talking about a specific topic, you’ll need elements to prove your point. It’s a demonstration so you will need data and quotes! 🧑‍🏫

When you want to go from your first topic to your second, you need a transition.

This transition is important if you want to have an episode that flows smoothly. You can use various techniques: a phrase, a sound, a music, or a musical jingle.

To be crystal clear, here’s an example of what your script should look like :

Topic 1

  • Your 1st idea
  • Some data proving your point
  • A quote

Transition: phrase / sound / music / jingle

Topic 2

  • Your 2nd idea
  • Some data proving your point
  • A quote

Transition: phrase / sound / music / jingle

The outro

We told you the intro was the most important part of your episode, but the outro is just as important.

So now you know, they are the two most important parts, just deal with it ! The outro is your last chance to make a strong impression on your listeners and make them want to come back to hear the sound of your voice in future episodes. 

Again, you should script your podcast outro to be sure not to forget anything and to conclude with confidence.

We have some rules to share with you :

  • Have a summary of your episode
  • Choose your outro music wisely
  • Thank your listeners
  • Encourage your audience to take an action with a CTA (we will tell you more about this in the next part)

You will have more info on how to write the best podcast outro in our article 10 tips for a great podcast outro.

The Call-To-Action

At this point, your listeners have listened to your entire episode and they probably liked it (otherwise, why would they still be here ?). They might want to follow you on other channels to learn more about you, and the outro is the best moment to give them the information they need.

You can invite your audience to visit your website, sign up for your training or newsletter, buy your book, follow you on your social networks or leave a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Be careful: Do not use more than 3 Call-To-Actions in one episode… You might confuse your listeners and they could end up ignoring your CTAs. ⛔️

Now that you understand the different parts of a podcast episode and that you know how important they are, you’re almost ready to write your podcast script! Before you start, we just want to give you 4 important tips:

Keep your podcast script simple

Be concise!

There’s nothing worse than a verbose, heavy podcast, with a lot of blah blah blah that really says nothing. 💤

If you want your audience to stay focused, get to the point and speak as concisely as possible.

Although it seems paradoxical, simplicity and conciseness require more preparation than long discussions. Don’t be afraid to take all the time you need when writing your podcast script: your message will be clearer.

Also, the simpler your script, the more flexibility you’ll have to improvise and develop a particular point or two.

Read your script out loud

A classic mistake when writing your podcast script is to sound too bookish. This is especially the case if you’ve decided to write full sentences rather than just putting a few words on paper. 📚

Keep in mind that your podcast shouldn’t sound too formal: you’re not a robot!

Also, avoid writing your entire script. That way, you won’t end up reading it and boring your audience.

Take the words and bits of sentences you have in front of you and express yourself in a natural and relaxed way, as if you were talking to a friend.

Choose your music carefully

Music can help structure and strengthen the narration of your podcast. But be careful! Don’t overuse it, or you’ll end up smothering your words.

When writing your script, be careful where you place the music. It shouldn’t come in too often or last too long.

Customize your script

When writing your podcast script, be yourself. Make your personality come through right from the beginning. Your listeners will become as attached to you as they are to your show.

To establish a connection with those listening to you, you can, for example, tell a little story that happened to you that’s related to the topic of the episode.

Personalizing your script will allow your audience to identify with you and your topic, and your message will only come across better.

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by Robin
May 25, 2021

Sound is my passion 🔊 I always dreamed of making it my job and TADAAAM I'm now a Junior Content Manager at Ausha : I get up every morning to do audio and video content to help podcasters boost the listening of their podcast. 🚀 When I'm not doing this, I'm trying to become a rockstar 🤘, I give lessons to my brothers on Smash Bros and Mario Kart 🏎️ , and also, I whistle (like very well) !🐣 !

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