How to publish your podcast on Apple Podcasts


How to publish your podcast on Apple Podcasts

Having your podcast on Apple Podcasts is essential, so let Ausha show you how to make it happen! 💪

August 26, 2021 • About 2 min. read

How to broadcast your podcast on Apple Podcasts

The birthplace of podcasts (in fact, the word podcast comes from Apple’s iPod); the platform has become the world’s largest catalog of episodes, to the extent that some listening platforms use Apple Podcasts to populate their own catalogs.

If it’s here that the largest selection of podcasts can be found, it’s also where the largest number of listeners gather. 🎧

Therefore, the first step you should take is to publish your podcast on Apple Podcasts. This will make your show more visible and help you gain your first listeners!

Publishing it couldn’t be easier, thanks to Ausha, and we’ll explain it all in this article!

Steps to follow:

  1. Log into your Ausha account 💻
  2. Select the episode you wish to publish on the platform 🎙️
  3. Then go to “Settings” on the main screen of your Ausha page ⚙️
  4. On the right side, click “Broadcast” 🚀
  5. From here, all you need to do is click on “Broadcast” in the box corresponding to Apple Podcasts 💪
  6. Finally, identify whether or not your podcast is already there through a host other than Ausha 😁
How to broadcast your podcast on Apple Podcasts

Congratulations, your podcast is now on Apple Podcasts!

And there you have it! In just a few clicks, your podcast is available on the Apple listening platform. Your episode will be visible within a few days, and you can track your listening statistics on Ausha at that time. 📈

If you’d like more information about how to publish your podcast on Apple Podcasts, Sarah, our customer success representative, has written an article about it in our help center.

Broadcasting your podcast on Apple

To increase your visibility and gain listeners, distribute your podcast to all listening platforms. Learn how to broadcast your podcast on Spotify or on Deezer via our posts on the Ausha blog.

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by Emma
August 26, 2021

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