Our Values: Ausha Employees Set the Foundation for Workplace Culture

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Our Values: Ausha Employees Set the Foundation for Workplace Culture

A few months ago, the whole Ausha team gathered in Chamonix, France for our company seminar. It was an opportunity for us to define Ausha's values.

October 18, 2022 • About 3 min. read

Ausha's values

Allow everyone to make their voice heard

Since Ausha was founded in 2018, our company’s mission has not changed: To allow everyone to make their voice heard through the podcast. 🎙️ But this principle also applies within the company itself. At Ausha, every employee is free to express themselves fully in a caring work environment. 🥰

The way we defined Ausha’s values together illustrates this perfectly. Divided into small groups of 4 or 5 people, we drew, wrote, and debated about Ausha and what this company meant to each of us. Each Ausha employee was then invited to speak and give their opinion, regardless of their seniority or position in the company.

At the end of this day of reflection,  we defined 4 values that constitute the foundation of Ausha today: Care, Solidarity, Trust and Development.

What are Ausha’s values?

“Care: spread solar energy” 💜

At Ausha, we respect each other and dare to say things without being judged. As Eloïse Barrège, Community Builder at Ausha, explains: ““Last winter, my mood was a bit low but then the entire Marketing team kept cheering me up with little shows of affection like funny podcast episodes, feel good music, jokes and chocolate.“. 

Care is also present in every exchange between the members of the startup. When giving feedback, we never forget the positive ones!

Valeur d'entreprise Bienveillance Ausha

“Solidarity: same rocket, same mission” 🚀

“Solidarity” is a key word at Ausha. On a daily basis, we value each other’s contribution and we support each other in our missions… and sometimes also outside of them, as Myriam, Junior Customer Success Manager, can testify.

During the Mountain Mission offsite, I thought I couldn’t climb the 500 stairs on the way back from the “Mer de Glace”. But Sarah and Maxime F. kept my pace and encouraged me not to give up along the way even though they are both more athletic than I am. Thanks to them, I did it!

Always ready to help when needed.

Valeur d'entreprise solidarité Ausha

“Trust: believe in your crew” 🧑‍🚀

We believe in everyone’s abilities. This trust, automatically given to newcomers, gives us the feeling that we can accomplish anything with the unfailing support of management.

As Sarah François, Head of Customer Success, explains: “After only a few days in my job, my manager let me embody Ausha and talk directly to clients. Trust was given to me by default”.

“Development: reach for the moon to catch the stars” ⭐

Finally, at Ausha, we grow together! 

The development of each member of our team starts from their first days in the startup with a careful onboarding phase and continues on a daily basis with numerous challenges that push us to give our best.

Aurélien Charpantier, Back-end Developer at Ausha illustrates this value perfectly through his testimony: “When I joined the company, I shared my wish of becoming a Scrum Master. Ausha quickly let me test agility methods with the whole Product team, and these methods are now fully integrated into our organization. Today I’m starting my Scrum Master training!

Valeur d'entreprise développement Ausha

Certified Great Place To Work 2022

This values definition workshop put specific values to what was already the reality at Ausha: It is a great company to thrive at work! 🔥

Last September, we obtained the Great Place To Work 2022 certification. 🥳

In order to achieve this certification, Ausha went through the Great Place To Work (GPW) process where GPW staff evaluated Ausha’s organization through anonymous questionnaires.

Bureaux Ausha

Creating a healthy, happy workplace is not just a one time event, but an everyday decision by everyone who works there. We are grateful for each other and can’t wait to see what the future holds!

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by Emma
October 18, 2022

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