How to create a podcast website to promote your show


How to create a podcast website to promote your show

A podcast can rarely live on its own. Most often, it's enhanced by social networks or a website. This not only allows you to provide more content to your audience, but also to boost your visibility on all communication channels.

November 30, 2021 β€’ About 9 min. read

How to create a website for your podcast

Although creating accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn may seem easy and obvious these days, launching a podcast website may seem a bit confusing for some podcasters. πŸ€”

In this article, we’ll tell you how to create a website for your show: The various steps to take, the tools that are needed and the type of content you should publish once the site is online. πŸš€

Why create a website for your podcast?

Competition between podcasts is getting fierce. There are more and more of them, yet the listening time of audiences remains the same.

So all methods are good for making yourself stand out from other shows and for convincing your future listeners to press “Play”.

For this, creating a website is an essential step because it allows you to be more visible on Google and, ultimately, will boost your listening. πŸ’ͺ

Optimize your natural referencing through your website

Natural referencing (or SEO) is the optimization of content (whether audio or written) to bring it up in search engines and to position it as highly as possible in the results of a particular online search.

It’s more or less the law of keywords πŸ”‘ and high added-value content.

Google is making great strides in language analysis when it comes to referencing. When you ask a question out loud, it’s increasingly able to analyze it and answer you out loud as well.

But, although it’s quite good, it’s still a long way from understanding all the audio content on the web.

Therefore it’s difficult to rely solely on your podcast’s audio content to be referenced in Google’s results.

The ideal solution is to complement your show with a blog, site, web page or simply some articles to transform the audio content of your podcast into written language.

For example, you can offer your readers a summary of each episode and encourage them to listen to your show to learn more.

Some podcasters choose to publish a full transcript of their episodes to help Google reference their podcast on search engines. 😁

Ausha’s tip: With Ausha’s hosting platform, you can automatically have a website that’s dedicated to your podcast and that’s 100% optimized for search engines. You don’t need to do anything. Your new episodes are automatically published on the site.

Ausha website

Extend your listeners’ experience with your website

With a custom website that’s completely tailored to your podcast, you can create static content regarding your subject, the history of your show, how you came up with the idea to start it and what your creative process was. These are called pages. πŸ€“

You can then also create more dynamic content to complement your episodes with more details on the subjects you cover in your show.

By taking what you offer your audience a step further, you can increase your chances of retaining them. πŸš€

This dynamic content (referred to as “posts” in marketing) can be in the form of a blog, for example, with one post per episode or one post per subject covered.

Creating articles related to the content of your podcast is not only a very important visibility and awareness tool for your show, but also a retention element for your audience for finding high value content. πŸ₯°

Ausha’s tip: Integrate Ausha’s Smartplayer into articles that talk about your podcast episodes. You’ll then be able to measure, via your statistics, the number of listens that come from this audio player.

Example of an Ausha player integration on a website

Boost your activity (professional or otherwise) through your website

Some podcasters use the podcast medium as a gateway to their real activity. It’s a gateway to the training they conduct, the books they write or the revolutionary products and services they sell.

The website that relays their podcast episodes is therefore, in reality, a website for their main activity. 🀝

As such, it’s all related. By linking your episodes to your website, you increase the visibility of your show through the SEO optimization of your podcast.

And, on the other hand, by boosting the number of downloads for your program (from the visibility gained through natural referencing), you increase your number of target customers. 🎯

Ausha’s tip: In order to increase traffic to your website from your podcast, Ausha allows you to add custom CTAs (calls to action) on all your communication media (Smartlink, SmartPlayer, Newsletters and even a web page dedicated to your show).

Newsletter button on Ausha website

Obtain even more data through your website

Thanks to your hosting provider, a significant amount of data regarding your audience already comes up on your manager.

However, with the creation of a website that’s dedicated to your podcast, you can obtain even more advanced statistics and analyze your audience even more precisely. πŸ“ˆ

To do so, you simply need to connect your website to Google Analytics, for example.

As such, each day, you’ll find the number of people who visited your website, a breakdown of your visitors by gender, age or other demographic data.

You’ll also be able to see which pages (or posts) have generated the most interest.

Coupled with the number of downloads per episode, this can give you a valuable indication of what your audience is most interested in. 🀩

Ausha’s tip: Ausha allows you to track the number of visitors who come to your website from the web page that’s dedicated to your podcast, by integrating Google Analytics. This will give you even more data about your audience.

How to create a website for your podcast

We’ve just seen all the good reasons that exist for creating a website dedicated to your podcast.

As you can see, it not only increases the visibility and recognition of your program on search engines, it also allows you to bring your audience together by providing them with high added-value content.

How to create a website for your podcast πŸ€”

First step: choose your host

Just like your podcast that you needed to host on a podcast platform (like Ausha) in order to distribute it to all listening platforms, you’ll need to use a website host to put it online where everyone can access it.

There are several hosting companies and several ways to host your website. πŸ’»

The first is to use a hosting company like OVH, BlueHost or HostGator. These are specialized platforms where you can purchase your domain name and store all of your information.

The second is to opt for tools like WordPress or Squarespace which allow you not only to host your website, but to also actually build it.

Creating a Website with WordPress

WordPress is certainly the most popular, the easiest and the best solution for creating a website that’s fully customizable and tailored to your podcast. πŸ’»

If you’ve chosen to host your website on a specialized hosting platform, you can use WordPress just to build it.

In this case, use of this tool is free. You can also switch the management of your website to WordPress. And, in this case, hosting is paid.

You can go even further in the creation of your website by installing plugins or themes (paid) to make it more attractive and even more functional. 🌈

Wordpress logo
  1. To begin setting up your site, go to the WordPress website.
  1. Create your account with a valid email address and password.
  1. Then, choose the type of site you wish to build. If you’re not looking to sell items related to your podcast, there’s no need to opt for Business or Online Store. Here, you can choose between Blog and Professional, depending on your skill level.
  1. Once this step has been completed, you’ll need to choose what your blog is about. Here, we’re dealing with podcasts.
  1. Now it’s time to announce the name of your site and give it an address. The choice of your address is made by the keywords that describe it. You have several options to choose from. Some of them are paid year-round, while others are free. (Specifically, domain names ending in .com are not free.)
  1. Finally, there are several plans to choose from. They’re available according to the needs and type of website you’re looking for. This step is not mandatory for creating your site. You can start for free and switch to plans that offer more later on.

Your site is finally created! ✨

Good to know: WordPress offers you ready-made website themes. In using them, you’re assured of an SEO-optimized and responsive site. However, with the free version of WordPress, you won’t be able to modify it completely or adapt it to your colors. You also won’t be able to enter the site code to make manual changes.

However, these are things you can do with the paid version of WordPress, through the purchase of plugins or specific themes.

Creating a free website online

Another solution for easily creating a website that’s dedicated to your podcast is to choose an online solution like WIX, which offers its users a drag and drop solution for building a website from A to Z without using code. πŸ™…β€β™€

This is definitely the easiest solution if you just want to have an online presence and share more content with your audience.

However, the free WIX version is more of a blog than a real website since the URL that is created automatically is not linked to a particular domain name but is defined by numbers and random characters.

For a proper URL, you must choose a paid subscription to WIX on which you can then host your podcast’s website.

Wix Logo

Creating a website with Squarespace

There are, of course, other tools that allow you to easily create a website, like Squarespace, for example.

Since Squarespace is a paid alternative to WordPress, what the tool offers compared to the most popular web host on the market could be just what you’re looking for in order to create a website for your podcast.

The undeniable advantage of Squarespace is the website templates they offer. They’re sleeker, more modern and more customizable, so you’re sure to find one you like. πŸ’»

As with WIX, you can begin creating your website immediately after creating a Squarespace account and choosing your template.

To guide you with the look of your site, the platform asks you some questions about the purpose of your project. Is it a merchant site? A blog? A professional or personal project? Etc. πŸ€”

Before it goes live and everyone has access, Squarespace offers several paid subscriptions, ranging from $16 to $52.

The hosting of your Website as well as your domain name are included with these subscriptions. With the “Business” plan, you can make changes to the theme code.

Also be aware that with Squarespace’s basic plan, you won’t be able to create an e-commerce space on your site.

Squarespace logo

You now have all the tools you need to create a website dedicated to your podcast in order to promote it and boost your number of downloads. ✨🌈

Examples of Podcast Websites

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by Emma
November 30, 2021

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